
Class 2

Shining Together, We Reach for the Stars.


We will begin the spring term in class 2 with the topic of 'Voracious Volcanoes'. We will look into why volcanoes explode and also the settlements around volcanoes, including extinct sites and understanding why people would choose to live near volcanoes when they are so dangerous and destructive. We will also learn about what happens when an earthquake takes place. 

Our Science topic this term is ‘Forces and Magnets’. We will investigate if all metals are magnetic, as well as understanding how friction works and comparing how objects move on different surfaces due to this. We will also observe how magnets attract and repel each other, and using this knowledge to group materials into magnetic and non-magnetic.

In English, our text this term is 'Journey'. This is an excellent book that, interestingly, has no words in so the children will be using their amazing imaginations to understand the story being told to them. During this, they will be creating detailed setting descriptions using powerful adjectives and also creating a narrative to follow on from the story!  


We look forward to another fun and exciting term together!


Miss Davies and Miss Blewitt.