
Primary Quest

Primary Quality, Education, Standards and Teaching...

enabling pupils and adults to flourish within a caring environment.


Vision & Values

1. To deliver sustainable, outstanding educational learning opportunities for all within the Trust.

2. To use the experience and expertise within Primary Quest to work alongside other academies to support improvement.

3. 'Flourishing together through LIFE'


What does this mean for Bromesberrow?
We are part of a family of small local schools, working together under the umbrella of Primary Quest Multi Academy Trust. As a trust of small schools, Primary Quest is passionate about each school retaining its identity and uniqueness. Life at Bromesberrow Primary School continues, with the enhancement of the support and knowledge of a broader group of schools. Our Trust Chief Executive Officer is Mr Stephen Dean, who leads and coordinates at a Trust level, providing a strong bridge between each individual school and the board of Trustees and Members. Being part of a trust we benefit from:
* Enhanced educational experiences for our children e.g. joint trips, art, maths and science specialist curriculum days and sporting activities 
* Joint staff training; enabling us to access the best quality development by sharing the financial commitment. Our teachers are up to date and able to deliver the best education to our children.
* Sharing of resources, so that children can have access to something different that as an individual school we may struggle to afford or access.
* Access to specialist teachers e.g. musicians and sport coaches. This improves the curriculum and experiences our children have.
* School Improvement support through the Director of Education and school improvement team.
* Being a larger group of professionals with different experiences, knowledge and skills- we learn from each other! This enables us to enhance the experiences of our children. 
To learn more about Primary Quest please visit: https://www.primaryquest.co.uk/