Our Values- these are seen as learning behaviours to help us in 'Shining Together, We Reach for the Stars!'
Respect- The Ten Commandments- Exodus (20:2-17) The message is given that we should respect all people regardless of station and respect the world in which we live. This respect can come from taking time to appreciate, give thanks and explore the wider thinking of self, others and beyond through a personal journey.
Motivation- David and Goliath- 1 Samuel (17:50 -53), The motivation to conquer even if it may seem impossible through facing the ows in life.
Pride- God shows immense Pride in his Creation in the first chapter of the Book of Genesis (1-4), ‘God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.' Throughout an individual’s spiritual journey they give time and enjoy the breath-taking wonders of the world in which they live, giving pause and thought to the creation and those moments of good.
Perseverance- Noah showed great perseverance and faith in building an ark and filling it to God's instruction. God was so pleased with his perseverance and recognised that he was the 'only one in all the world, who does what is right' (Genesis 7:1). To explore themselves, others and the world individuals need to persevere to through their ows.
Cooperation- Jesus heals a paralysed man- Mark (2:3-11) Exploring true friendships and relationships in relation to themselves, others and beyond interlinks their journey's to the stars together.
Kindness- The Good Samaritan- Luke (10:25-37) highlights that true kindness is and through showing compassion you can help the most unlikely of people and bring joy and love to the world.
We believe that our core values (as chosen by the school community) help pupils to develop holistically, nurturing a secure sense of self, respect for self and others and supports the raising of academic standards. We are a Church of England School and at our heart is nurturing children, so that they are able to flourish and thrive through the teachings in the bible, learning from the life of Jesus Christ.